AI voice cloning scams: 2 ways to safeguard your conversations and protect finances

AI voice cloning scams: 2 ways to safeguard your conversations and protect finances

12 days ago | 10 Views

Artificial intelligence, while promising, is now being exploited by criminals to deceive unsuspecting phone users. With AI, voices can be cloned rapidly, leading to convincing replicas used to swindle money or sensitive information from friends and family.

Understand the Threat

According to Jasdev Dhaliwal from McAfee, voice cloning, also known as voice synthesis or mimicry, allows individuals to replicate voices with astonishing accuracy. Originally developed for benign purposes like voice assistants, it has unfortunately become a tool for malicious actors seeking to exploit victims, The Sun reported

Deploy Countermeasures

Identifying cloned voices is challenging, but there are two strategies to mitigate risks. Firstly, establishing a safe word with loved ones can serve as a quick authenticity check during unexpected calls requesting money or sensitive data. By using the safe word, individuals can reveal potential scams, as fraudsters are unlikely to know it.

Verify Authenticity

Secondly, asking personal questions can further confirm a caller's identity. By posing queries about shared memories or past experiences, individuals can verify authenticity. If suspicions persist, contacting the person through an alternative method is advised.

Take Precautionary Measures

In addition to these precautions, caution is warranted when asked to send money through unconventional means. Statistics reveal the prevalence and impact of phone scams, with millions of Americans falling victim and losing significant amounts of money.

Stay Vigilant

To combat these scams, individuals are advised never to disclose personal or financial information over the phone. Enrolling in the Do Not Call Registry and utilising spam call-filtering apps can reduce exposure to fraudulent calls. Furthermore, exercising discretion when sharing phone numbers and scrutinising requests for unconventional money transfers are crucial steps to safeguard against scams.

Report Suspicious Activity

Any suspicious activity, especially sudden requests for money using unfamiliar methods, should be reported to authorities to prevent further exploitation by criminals.

By adopting these conversational tactics and remaining vigilant, individuals can protect themselves and their loved ones from falling victim to AI voice-cloning scams.

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