Craving homemade cold brew coffee? Check out this minimal effort recipe to brew caffeinated sunrise

Craving homemade cold brew coffee? Check out this minimal effort recipe to brew caffeinated sunrise

10 days ago | 13 Views

Among the myriad of coffee options available, cold brew is a beverage that has captured the hearts and palates of coffee enthusiasts worldwide as it stands out for its smoothness, bold flavour and refreshing appeal. Sourced from regions renowned for their high-quality beans, the coffee beans, often of Arabica or a blend of Arabica and Robusta, undergo a precise roasting process to unlock their full potential of flavours which determines the final taste of the cold brew and ensures that every drop of Cold Brew is packed with robust flavour and a smooth finish.

Cold Brew fosters connections and elevates everyday experiences, whether enjoyed alone as a morning ritual, shared with friends during a cosy gathering, or savoured during a leisurely afternoon break or evening cuppa. Apart from reflecting a growing trend toward mindful consumption, cold brew coffee appeals to health-conscious individuals seeking a refreshing alternative to sugary beverages so check out its recipe below and thank us later.

Cold Brew Recipe


  • 30 grams (about 3 tablespoons) coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 240 ml (1 cup) cold or room temperature water


  1. Grind the coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to that of breadcrumbs. (grinding too fine can result in a cloudy and overly bitter brew).
  2. In a clean glass jar or a French press, add the coarsely ground coffee.
  3. Slowly pour 240 ml (1 cup) of cold or room temperature water over the coffee grounds, ensuring that all the grounds are saturated. Stir gently to ensure even saturation if using a jar.
  4. Seal the jar tightly with a lid or, if using a French press, gently press down the plunger until it's just above the water level.
  5. Let the coffee steep at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. The longer you steep, the stronger and richer the flavor will be. You can adjust the steeping time based on your preference.
  6. After steeping, if using a French press, slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee. If using a jar, strain the coffee through a fine-mesh sieve or a coffee filter into another clean container.
  7. Once strained, your cold brew concentrate is ready. You can dilute it with water or milk to your desired strength when serving.
  8. Store the cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for up to one week. It's best served over ice.

Enjoy your homemade cold brew coffee! Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio or the steeping time to suit your taste preferences.

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